The scripture reading for today is John 16:25-33.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. -John 16:33b NIV

When I lived in Fayetteville, I decided that I was going to learn to play golf. Growing up, there was only one golf course in my hometown and it was at the Country Club. To say that my family wasn’t the “country club” type is an understatement. As a result, I had never played the game growing up.

Some friends offered me clubs and shoes and invited me to tag along. I was awful and quickly realized that I could play for the rest of my life and never be as good as my friends were. I didn’t play golf for long; preachers shouldn’t curse that much.

The one saving grace for me while I played was the golf scramble. In case you’re not familiar with golf, the scramble format consists of a team of golfers. Each player on the team hits a ball and then the team decides which teammate’s shot they like better; that’s the shot that counts. Each teammate then places their ball next to the shot that counts and plays another shot, again picking which one they like better. So while my shots were always the worst, I benefitted when someone else’s shot was better and I got to place my ball there.

In our scripture today, Jesus said, “Take heart; I have overcome the world.” What is implied in Jesus’ words is that because he has overcome the world, you and I don’t have to! To use golf imagery, his “shot” didn’t just benefit him and his godly goals; it also benefited you and me. 

Life, like my golf game back then, often misfires. Thank goodness we’re on Jesus’ team and his shot is the one that counts. 

May God grant you the grace to take heart and claim the peace that comes in knowing that your salvation comes from Jesus’ shot, not yours. 

Reminder: I don’t write devotionals for Sunday. My prayer is that you will experience onsite or online worship at your church. If you are looking for a church family, check out the church I pastor. If our worship isn’t your cup of tea, I’d love to help you find a worship experience that is!

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