Today’s scripture reading is John 16:16-24.

When a woman is in labor, she has pain, because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy of having brought a human being into the world. John 16:21 NRSV

Hillary has a friend who, along with her husband, decided to get in shape. Both would have said that they were overweight. Both would have said that, if they didn’t already have some, they would likely face significant health challenges in the years ahead if they didn’t make some changes. So that’s exactly what they did.

First, they visited a nutritionist and discovered a healthier way to eat. Then they started exercising together, pushing each other through the pain and encouraging each other along the way. One year later, they’ve both lost around 100 pounds a piece and they look absolutely amazing. 

I’ve driven by fast food restaurants and gyms enough to know that what these two have accomplished wasn’t easy but I can guarantee you it was worth it. They feel better than they’ve ever felt and their success has encouraged others to be more focused on eating better and exercising more regularly. 

Jesus predicted his death and indicated that he must return to God. He acknowledged that the disciples would weep and mourn but  he urged them to remember that his departure was not the end of everything; it was actually the beginning. It would be difficult for a while but the difficulties would give way to great rejoicing. 

Jesus likened it to a pregnancy. There is discomfort and pain in the days and weeks leading up to the delivery of a child and the birth itself is obviously painful and can bring a woman to tears. But when she holds that child in her arms, it will have all been worth it!

May God grant you the grace to believe that your sorrow and pain can turn into joy.

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