Today’s scripture reading is John 16:1-15

I still have things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth… and he will declare to you the things that are to come. -John 16:12-13 NRSV

Have you ever said, “If I had known what I was getting myself into, I would’ve never…”? Maybe it was a marriage that ended in divorce, a job change that wasn’t as great an opportunity as advertised, or running for president of the neighborhood Home Owners Association. Maybe it was taking a volunteer position at church (sometimes you have to die or move to another state to get out of those), encouraging your child to take up the drums, or signing up to receive this daily devotional.  

I suspect that you have uttered the “If I had known…” phrase at one least once or twice. The truth of the matter is that if you knew everything that could or would happen in a given situation, you might conclude on the front end that it’s not worth it, that you couldn’t handle it, and you might instead go running in the opposite direction.

Maybe that’s why Jesus said what he said in our scripture today. A good teacher knows that too much information can lead to confusion and frustration. A good teacher teaches you what you need to know when you need to know it. A good teacher lays a solid foundation and then slowly builds on it as you are able to handle more information and more responsibility.

The Christian faith is a lifelong journey. The Holy Spirit reminds us of what we already know but also guides and grows you in truth as you are able to receive it. That’s what Jesus seems to be saying to his disciples. That’s what Jesus could be saying to you. 

May God grant you the grace to be open to and guided in God’s truth today.

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