Today’s scripture is Job 38:1-11.

Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. -Job 38:3 NRSV

Last spring, in the early weeks of the pandemic, CBS re-aired some classic movies on Sunday nights, one of which was Forrest Gump. As I watched the movie, I couldn’t help but think of Job.

Lt. Dan is a character who lost both legs in Vietnam. While he survived the war, many of the men in his platoon did not. We soon learn that Dan has a lot of anger and guilt; he doesn’t think very much of God because of what he experienced.

There’s a scene when Dan and Forrest are in a boat and a huge storm arrives. As it intensifies, we hear Dan demanding a showdown with God. All of his rage and disappointment are on full display.

The next morning, we learn that only one boat was spared in the previous day’s storm: theirs. And we see something is different about Lt. Dan. As the storm raged, Dan screamed at God; now he seems at peace.

In our scripture, Job has experienced tremendous suffering. His children have been killed, his possessions either stolen or destroyed and he has some sort of painful skin disease that has left him ostracized from the community. Like Dan, he’s angry at God, finds himself in a terrible storm of some sort, and demands a showdown with God. 

God shows up in the midst of Job’s storm. Job has a list of questions to ask God but instead God ends up asking all the questions. God asks if Job knows enough about what’s going on to make accusations against God. God wants to know if Job can see the bigger picture. 

Are you in the midst of some storm? Have you begun to question God? Perhaps God has some questions for you: “Do you trust me? Do you know enough about what I’m doing to make accusations against me? Can you see things from my perspective?”

Lt. Dan made peace with God. Job made peace with God. Here’s a question: do you need to make peace with God? 

May God grant you the grace to make peace with God today.

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