The scripture reading for today is Matthew 5:13-16.

“You are salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is not longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot.” -Matthew 5:13 NRSV

It wasn’t until after I read “Becoming a Contagious Christian” some years ago that I began to better understand why Jesus would want his followers to be salt. In that book, the author talked about some of salt’s qualities.

Salt increases buoyancy. If you’re a salty disciple, you help people stay afloat.

Salt creates thirst. That’s why so many bars, at least in pre-COVID days, serve peanuts and pretzels. When a person of faith is salt, you create a thirst for others to want what you have.

Salt enhances the flavor of whatever it touches. If you’re salt as a follower of Jesus, you make the lives of those you touch better.

Salt heals. The WedMD website lists thirteen ways that salt heals or reduces pain, from canker sores to to ingrown toe nails. As salt, Jesus wants you to be about healing and reducing pain in the world around us.

Salt preserves. Before the refrigerator, salt helped keep food from spoiling. As Christians, we play a role in preventing moral and spiritual decay in our community and world.

There are probably other qualities of salt that I’ve forgotten, that aren’t coming to mind as I write. Can you think of others?

There’s one more thing that should be said about salt: a little salt goes a LONG way. Sharing even a little of your salt can make a big difference.

In what ways are you “salt”? In what ways would you like to be? In what ways is God calling you to be?

May God grant you the grace to be salt today.

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