Today’s scripture reading is John 14:15-21

Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. -John 14:27 NRSV

Back when Saddam Hussein was in power, a colleague of mine sent me a story that often comes to mind when I read John 14.

At a large rally, Hussein took the platform to cheers. He basked in the cheers for several minutes before silencing the crowd. When he spoke, he said that they were there to celebrate. Before the celebration could take place, however, Hussein indicated that there were some traitors among them who needed to be removed. He then called out a name. The crowd looked around and spotted the man. Guards came and led him out of the room. Seconds later, a gun shot could be heard. 

Hussein read another name and another name and another name…six times in all. Each time, the named party was escorted out of the room and each time a single gunshot was heard. 

When Hussein finished with his list of names, he stated that the celebration could begin. Cheers rang out, with all those remaining in the room pledging their unwavering loyalty to him.

As I remember that story, I can’t help but wonder: were the people in that room loyal to Saddam Hussein because they loved him and what he stood for? Or were they loyal because of what would happen to them if they were not?

In John 14, Jesus tells the disciples that they will obey him if they love him. But he’s not trying to scare them into loving him. He not suggesting that they be loyal to him because of what will happen if they aren’t. In fact, Jesus encourages them not to be afraid and to not let their hearts be troubled.

What IS Jesus doing in this passage? He’s about to return to God. If the disciples love him, they will keeping doing the things that Jesus has been doing and teaching, so that others might experience the love of God for themselves.

May God grant you the grace to believe and share the love of God today. 

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