Today’s scripture reading is Psalm 30.

Weeping may linger for a night, but joy comes with the morning. Psalm 30:5b NRSV

I had just sat down to write a devotional in the hopes of blessing the four of you who read them. My wife Hillary was on a conference call in another room. All of a sudden, I heard a loud noise come from the hallway. I got up to discover a potted plant turned over on its side. There was dirt on the floor and there was a big green leaf in Dasher’s mouth. 

Dasher is our puppy. And he’s all puppy. From running off with my socks to biting Hillary’s hands to turning over his water bowl because a piece of food is behind it, this puppy is wearing me out! During the recent snow days, I came to the realization that our house isn’t big enough for both me and the dog so I went outside to dig holes and bury bones while Dasher chewed on a couch pillow in the living room and watched The Today Show. 

Before Dasher, I’d never had an indoor pet. Hillary assures me that he will grow out of this phase, that his mischievous behavior won’t last forever. That’s good. Let’s just hope that both Dasher and I live it to see it! 

In our scripture, the psalmist describes a difficult season of life. Up to that point, his life had been good…so much so that he had no real need for God. But then adversity struck (perhaps an illness or near-death experience) and he cried out to God for help. According to the psalmist, God heard his cry and did help. 

Dasher’s difficult puppy days won’t last, but the love and care that Hillary and I have for him will. The psalmist’s difficult season didn’t last either…but God’s love and care did.

Are you going through a difficult season? May God grant you the grace to believe that, while your weeping may last for a night, a day of joy is dawning. This dark season won’t last, but God’s love and care will.  

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