Today’s scripture reading is Psalm 19. 

They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. -Psalm 19:3-4 NRSV 

My wife and I have a friend who recently got engaged. She posted a picture on social media but I didn’t need to read the caption or hear her speak to know what had happened; I could tell by the sparkle in her eyes and the sparkle on her finger! No words were needed. 

In our scripture lesson today, the psalmist asserts that the heavens declare the glory of God and that the skies proclaim the work of God’s hands. But here’s the thing…the psalmist notes that we don’t need a caption and we don’t need to hear God’s voice in order to know what the heavens and the skies reveal. We can just tell by what we see with our own eyes! 

As I write this devotional (on February 16), it is snowing outside. I don’t hear God’s voice declaring or proclaiming anything as the snow falls; and yet, the view from my window is so breathtakingly beautiful that my thoughts turn to God.  

For me, snow is a reminder to slow down. I am often in such a rush from one thing to the next that I don’t stop to think about God.  

Snow is a reminder to see things differently. The trees that in winter seem so lifeless and barren are now draped in ice and snow which, while potentially dangerous, is absolutely stunning.  

And snow reminds me of God’s forgiveness. I recall the words of Isaiah, “Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow.” 

The snow and ice may be gone by the time you read this devotional. But nature in whatever way you find it today says something about God. So get outside. Pay attention. What do you see?  

I hope you see the handiwork and glory of God.  

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