Today’s scripture reading is John 14:1-13.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, you may be also. -John 14:3 NRSV

John 14 is one of the most comforting chapters in all of Scripture; it does my heart good just to read it again. Jesus is preparing the disciples for his death, resurrection, and his ultimate return to God. 

For three years, Jesus had lived with these disciples. He called them to follow him and they left everything to do so. He empowered them to do things that they could not have done on their own. He taught them about God and he modeled for them what being a true disciple looked like. 

And yet they still had questions and doubts. They still failed to grasp who Jesus was and what Jesus came to do. They didn’t understand why Jesus must leave them and return to God. åI’m sure the thought of living without him as their constant companion left the disciples anxious and afraid. Losing their teacher, their friend, their leader wasn’t going to be easy. 

That’s why Jesus assured them that, even though he was leaving, he would come back for them. And while he wasn’t there, the Holy Spirit would be.

I’m guessing that you know what it’s like to lose someone. It could be because of a death. It could be because you didn’t value someone as much as you should have. It could be because someone didn’t value you. Maybe your loss has left you feeling anxious and afraid, with lots of questions and doubts.

May God grant you the grace to believe that you are not alone. The Holy Spirit is with you now and you have the promise that ultimately where Jesus is, you will be also. 

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