Today’s scripture reading is John 8:1-11.

When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” -John 8:7 NRSV

When I was 15 years old, I got caught stealing while on a church trip to Gatlinburg. While in a music shop, I intended to take The Eagles’ Greatest Hits cassette tape. When the security alarm went off and I was forced to turn over the tape, I realized that it was an El Debarge cassette tape instead of The Eagles. Let me assure you that the only thing worse than getting caught stealing on a church trip is getting caught stealing an El Debarge cassette on a church trip!

Along with all the other youth in our group, I had agreed to a covenant for the trip that included “no stealing.” Anyone caught violating this covenant was to be immediately sent home at his or her own expense. But when it was announced to the youth group that I had been arrested and would be sent home, a senior in the youth group essentially said, “It would be a tragedy to send Tommy home; he needs the church now more than ever.”

My youth director agreed to allow me to remain in Gatlinburg. I am convinced that the main reason I’m still a Christian today (and perhaps even a pastor) is because of this expression of grace during a time when I deserved punishment. It’s also the reason why I never stole anymore cassette tapes!

In our scripture, a woman had been caught in the act of adultery. The levitical law was clear: she should be stoned to death. But while she deserved punishment, what she received was grace.

May God grant you grace in whatever way you need it today so that you may go and sin no more. 

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