Today’s scripture reading is Psalm 34.

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered (freed) me from all my fears. -Psalm 34:2 NRSV

Many of you will remember Paul Harvey. He had a radio program on which he’d reveal little-known or forgotten facts about people or places. Typically, you’d have to listen to the entire segment, three or four minutes in length, to find out who or what Harvey was talking about…and then he’d say, “And now you know the rest of the story.”

The “rest” of the story is important to understand Psalm 34. David, its writer, had been on the run. King Saul wanted him dead. 

It hadn’t always been that way. At first, King Saul loved David very much. But when the positive press of David’s successful military missions began to overshadow Saul, the king became jealous and he wanted his competition eliminated.

The fear of being killed by the king led David to the city of Gath, which may not mean much to you at first glance. But Gath is where Goliath was from…and you probably remember what David had done to Goliath. Let’s just say that David didn’t get the Chamber of Commerce welcome or a key to the city. Fortunately for David, he escaped with his life.

Psalm 34 is written later, with the wisdom that comes from hindsight. At some point, David stopped trying to save himself and instead he looked to the Lord for help. In looking to God, he realized that God had been with him all along, guarding and protecting him, rescuing him from trouble.

You may be experiencing trouble of some kind in your own life. Here’s the rest of the story: God is with you. 

David prayed to the Lord and the Lord answered him, freeing him from his fears. May God grant you the grace to so pray and be freed today.

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