Today’s scripture reading is Matthew 6:19-24.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:21 NRSV

According to Wikipedia, target fixation is a phenomenon observed in human beings in which someone becomes so focused on an observed object that they inadvertently increase their risk of colliding with the object. For example, a motorcycle rider traveling at a high rate of speed might, all of a sudden, see gravel on the road ahead. They become so focused on the gravel, almost hypnotized by it, that they don’t look for a way around the gravel. Because they don’t take their eyes off of the gravel, the bike ends up going where the rider’s eyes are…to the gravel!

The key to avoiding target fixation is to focus on where you ultimately want to go, not where you don’t want to go. If you look beyond the hazard, you’re more likely to make the necessary adjustments and avoid the hazard.

If Wikipedia if correct, the term target fixation was first used in World War II fighter-pilot training. But I think Jesus knew something about target fixation in our Scripture lesson for today. Let me explain.

Jesus seems to be saying that if people focus on earthly treasures, they will likely increase their chances of getting them; wherever our eyes are is where we will go. But earthly possessions can be a hazard that keep us from focusing on where we really want to go and who we really want to be.

Where’s your focus? What do you ultimately treasure? May God grant you the grace to focus on what’s really important today.

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