Today’s scripture reading is Psalm 51.

Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. -Psalm 51:13 NRSV

I was in the drive-through line at a fast food restaurant and had already pulled a $10 bill from my wallet to pay for my food.

When I got up to the window to pay, the cashier said that my meal had been covered by the person ahead of me. It was a random act of kindness, she said, and I immediately got the great idea to pay it forward.

“That’s so nice,” I said. “I’ll pay for the meal of the car behind me!”

“Okay, that total comes to $37.16.”

Maybe I should have offered to cover the second car back instead! Thank goodness they take credit cards.

Have you ever been on the receiving end of some kindness? Doesn’t it make you want to extend a similar kindness to someone else?

In our scripture lesson today, David acknowledges a great sin. He is referring to his adulterous relationship with Bathsheba and then having her husband killed. He asks God to forgive him, to blot out his sin, to create in him a clean heart, and to renew a right spirit within him. “And if you do it,” David says, “then I’ll pay it forward. I’ll tell others about your grace so that they will look to you for forgiveness as well.”

When have you experienced the forgiveness of God? Have you paid it forward by sharing the story? Or better yet, have you paid it forward by forgiving someone else just as you have been forgiven?

May God grant us the grace to pay it forward. Share your story of God’s forgiveness. Extend forgiveness to someone else today.

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