Today’s scripture reading is Psalm 139. 

If I ascend to heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there…you shall hold me fast. Psalm 139:8, 10b NRSV 

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be married to a minister?  

Hillary usually sits near the back of the sanctuary on Sunday mornings but, truth of the matter is, she has a front row seat for all the times I fail to embody what I preach from the pulpit. It must be hard to hear a sermon on grace or patience or serenity when the day before you witnessed your preacher-husband being judgmental, impatient, and anxious. 

Hillary probably knows me better than anyone else. She sees me at my very best and she sees me at my very worst. And yet, she loves me. She’s committed to me.  

In our scripture reading today, attributed to King David, the psalmist describes his relationship with God. God knows everything about David, the good and the bad. God is familiar with all of his ways. And yet God loves David. Nothing David has ever done or will ever do can separate him from God’s love. No matter where life takes him, there is no place that David can go that God and God’s love are not.

While I am sure that Hillary loves me and seeks to love me as God loves me, there are probably some things that I COULD do or FAIL to do that would test that love. But not so with God.

Isn’t that comforting? The One who created you…the One who knows everything about you, the good and the bad…loves you just the same. How will you, how will I, respond to that love? 

I want to respond to that godly love in the same way that I want to respond to Hillary’s love: with gratitude and reciprocation. I am so thankful to be loved at my best and at my worst. And because I’m loved that way, I want to love that way.  

May God grant us the grace to receive such love and offer such love today. 

Reminder: There won’t be devotionals on Sunday. My prayer is that you will experience in-person or online worship at your church. If you are looking for a church family, check out the church I pastor. If our worship isn’t your cup of tea, I’d love to help you find a worship experience that is!

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