Today’s Scripture Reading: John 1:1-18
He came to what was his own and his own people did not accept him. But to those who received him, who believed his name, he gave power to become children of God. John 1:11-12 NRSV
Turning 50 in December resulted in me getting black balloons and a colonoscopy appointment. Surely there are better ways to celebrate, right? And yet, because I’ve had cancer, I’m not only thankful to be 50 but more than willing to get a test that might prevent or detect that horrible disease from resurfacing again.
I was surprised to learn that around 80% of colorectal cancers aren’t detected until advanced stages, primarily because there aren’t many outward symptoms of the disease and because a lot people don’t get colonoscopies. In a conversation I had recently, someone actually told me that they’d just have to get colon cancer because there was no way that
they’d have the procedure that might detect or prevent it!
Really? Seriously? There are actually people out there who won’t take advantage of something that could save your life? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.
In our scripture lesson today, John describes who Jesus is and why Jesus came. In short, Jesus is Light and Jesus came into a world filled with darkness (sin) so that people can know God, believe God and have life with God.
And yet so many of us don’t take advantage of the “medicine” that can detect and treat our human condition. Refusing this “medicine” keeps us from experiencing the life that God desires for us. In fact, it was the world’s unwillingness to accept Jesus’ prescription that led to his crucifixion.
As we begin the season of Lent, let’s take advantage of the One who saves us from sin and allows us to experience a more abundant life.